
Best Practices in Bullying Prevention and Intervention

Page history last edited by Sandy Kelly 13 years, 10 months ago


Creating Safe SchoolsThis handout offers strategies on how schools can work together with school board members, school employees, students, parents, community leaders, service groups, business leaders, government representatives, law enforcers, and the media to create safer schools. This document is available in pdf as a free download. 


Youth Violence: Best Practices of Youth Violence Prevention  A Sourcebook for Community Action.   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.   The first of its kind to look at the effectiveness of specific violence prevention practices in four key areas: parents and families; home visiting; social and conflict resolution skills; and mentoring.  


Exemplary and Promising Safe, Disciplined and Drug Free Schools Program 2001 (PDF) Based on empirical data from the US Department of Education.


The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program is a schoolwide program designed to prevent or reduce bullying throughout the school setting. The multi-component approach involves individuals, classrooms, entire schools, as well as parents and communities, to successfully address bullying in schools. Materials supporting implementation of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program are available exclusively from Hazelden Publishing. Identified by  MA DESE as research/evidence based.


Maine (USA) Bullying Prevention Education Program - a state wide research based bullying prevention initiative based on the

Olweus Program model. Additional links and resources are available here.


The PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) Curriculum is a comprehensive program for promoting emotional and social competencies and reducing aggression and behavior problems in elementary school-aged children while simultaneously enhancing the educational process in the classroom. Identified by MA DESE as research/evidence based.


Al's Pals - An Effective Early Childhood Curriculum and Teaching Approach Early Childhood program identified by MA DESE as research/evidence based.


Steps to Respect program teaches elementary students to recognize, refuse, and report bullying, be assertive, and build friendships and is identified by MA DESE as research/evidence based.


Bully-Proofing Series gives you the ability to mobilize  the 85 percent of students who are neither bullies nor victims—by developing and reinforcing their strong identities. Identified as research/evidence based by MA DESE.


PeaceBuilders is the research-validated youth-based program approved for the federally funded Safe & Drug-Free Schools Act. and identified by MA DESE.


Don't Suffer in Silence An anti-bullying program of the British Department of Education and Skills.

CyberSmart! fosters 21st century skills to increase student engagement and prepare students to achieve in today's digital society.


Bullying Prevention and Intervention Resources A listing of websites and other resources compiled by Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education


Direct from the Field: A Guide to Bullying Prevention (PDF) From the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) by Laura Parker-Roerden, David Rudewick, and Donald Gorton

National Crime Prevention Council  Guide for parents.


Seattle Public Schools Bullying Program



Schools Where Everyone Belongs - Stan Davis

Outlines research on effective bullying prevention interventions and presents specific practices and skills that help schools implement that research.


Empowering Bystanders in Bullying Prevention - Stan Davis with Julia Davis

Grades K-8. Provides a research-based, practical approach for empowering student bystanders.


Linking Bullyproof: Teaching About Bullying and Harassment Using National Standards for School Counseling and Health Education by Emily Coe-Sullivan, Ed.M., Nan D. Stein, Ed.D

A joint publication of the Wellesley Centers for Women andthe National Education Association Professional Library. The manual is designed to integrate the topics of bullying and harassment into the classroom curriculum of 4th and 5th grade students. It is a supplement
to Bullyproof: A Teacher's Guide on Teasing and Bullying for Use with Fourth and Fifth Grade Students
(Sjostrom & Stein, 1996). see publications tab on http://www.wcwonline.org/


Breaking the culture of bullying and disrespect, grades K-8 : best practices and successful strategies - Marie-Nathalie Beaudoin, Maureen Taylor 

Contents include: Unraveling Assumptions: Educators' Roles and Students' Behaviors -- Responding Effectively to Incidents of bullying and Disrespect -- Making Changes Last for More Than a Week -- Listening to Students' Voices -- Cultivating Respect, Appreciation, and Tolerance in the School -- Working With Individual Students Around bullying-- and more.


Bullying from both sides : strategic interventions for working with bullies & victims - Walter B. Roberts, Jr.
Contents include: The prevalence of bullying -- Definitions of bullying and teasing -- Victims -- Victimization and retaliation -- Bullies -- Strategic intervention point 1 : the best intervention is prevention -- Strategic intervention point 2 : safeguard the victim -- Strategic intervention point 3 : engage the victim in constructive and supportive interactions -- Strategic intervention point 4 : engage the bully in constructive and supportive interactions -- What now? : taking those first steps.


Bullying prevention : creating a positive school climate and developing social competence - Pamela Orpinas, Arthur M. Horne
Shows how school professionals can prevent and reduce bullying by creating a positive environment and by ensuring all children have the social skills to communicate well and solve problems without aggression. The book has guidance in selecting research-based bullying

Bullying prevention curriculum : classroom instructional units grades 6-8 - Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Expanded from the Wisconsin Clearinghouse for Prevention Resources 'Sticks n' stones bullying prevention curriculum'; also available for grades 3-5.

Making your school safe : strategies to protect children and promote learning - John Devine and Jonathan Cohen
Contents include: The relationship between social emotional education and safety in a school -- Preparing your school to deal with a crisis: principles of school crisis preparedness and response / with David Schonfeld -- Creating a climate for social and emotional safety -- Promoting social emotional competencies and healthy relationships -- Fostering students' emotional safety for learning - Bullying: the triangle of bully, victim, and bystander -- Recognizing and assisting traumatized children / with Roy Lubit -- Promoting learning and safety in school: a model and process.

Stop the bullying : a handbook for teachers -
Ken Rigby

Bullying in schools is a growing community concern. We now know that continued bullying at school can damage both the physical and mental health of vulnerable children. This can lead to a severe loss of self-esteem, increased anxiety, and difficulty in forming trusting relationships. This practical and research-based book helps teachers appreciate the actions they can take to stop bullying. Teachers will find reproducible activities that help students recognize and effectively deal with a variety of issues related to bullying. This remarkable book will help teachers work with colleagues and parents to make schools safer places for all.

The Bully Free Classroom: Over 100 tips and Strategies for Teachers K-8
by Allan Beane

Over 100 strategies to prevent bullying by creating a sense of belonging and promoting a peaceful classroom setting.

The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander : From Preschool to High School--How Parents and Teachers Can Help Break the
Cycle of Violence.by Barbara Coloroso

A resource on bullying that offers insight on how to tell if your child is being bullied, how to change bullying behavior, and how to help bystanders become active in solving the problem

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